Thanksgiving Wreaths

Fall deco mesh wreath

I am very thankful to God, for I know, it is from Him, ALL good things come!

What are you thankful for.....

I am thankful for....

God! My wonderful wife, a loving family! And for all the veterans that fought and served to give me the freedom that surrounds me in this great nation. God bless the USA. ~AJ

I'm thankful for my family and all the freedom's we enjoy in this great  country.  ~Judy

I am thankful for all things that come from God! (My Faith, husband, children, grand children and all my friends) AMEN! ~ Deb

What are you THANKFUL for?

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Do you have a Thanksgiving Wreath you would like to share? Show it off and submit your wreath for others to see. 

Would you like to make a deco mesh tube wreath?  Follow these instructions to make your own wreath. 

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